KInIT is an independent, non-profit institute dedicated to intelligent technology research. We bring together and nurture experts in artificial intelligence and other areas of computer science, with connections to other disciplines:

  • Web and user data processing including false information and malicious behavior modeling
  • Processing and comprehension of natural language
  • Data analysis for green energy
  • Information security
  • Ethics and human values in intelligent technologies

We are the first independent institute of its kind in Slovakia

KInIT combines the excellent competencies of academic researchers and educators with innovative companies, their needs and experience.

By involving the private sector, we seek to create a healthy research ecosystem that is connected to existing universities, the Slovak Academy of Sciences and above all to the international community.

Our mission


Slovakia’s competitiveness by amassing diverse talent in a multidisciplinary research environment focused on intelligent technologies


the private and public sectors through active co-operation, education and support for evidence-based decision-making


responsible innovation, expansion of knowledge, talent cultivation

Our values


We demand the best from ourselves and our partners to ensure that we constantly improve.


We make our decisions, verify our hypotheses, and present our results in a transparent manner.


We support honesty and fairness in our approach to both people and data. Our research is responsible and we always take ethics into account.


We consider our research from various points of view and co-operate with researchers from diverse disciplines. We believe that only a diverse perspective ensures quality.


We are open to questions and new ideas. We seek out challenges and get excited about every new discovery.

Our Goals


Increase the availability of talent in Slovakia by giving young people a reason to stay here and build careers that have strong international connections.


Build a space that fosters impactful, responsible research, attract and nurture top researchers in their given fields and cultivate expertise that could be transferred into the private sector or used in community development.


Stimulate the best solutions to support the use of intelligent technologies in business through research activities that are connected with the academic sphere.


Create and apply schemes that allow effective and economically sustainable research and talent development.

KInIT Leadership

Maria Bielikova
Director General KInIT, Board of Trustees Member
Marián Šimko
Deputy Director General KInIT, Board of Trustees Member
Peter Dedinský
Chief Operations Officer KInIT
Michal Kompan
Chief Research Officer KInIT
Diana Lokere
Chief People & Culture Officer KInIT
Richard Marko
Chairman of the Board of Trustees, CEO ESET
Martin Kubík
Deputy Chair of the Board of Trustees, CIO Tatra banka
Ján Lunter
Board of Trustees Member, CEO Innovatrics
Michaela Benedigová
Board of Trustees Member, Managing Director & Partner, Seesame
Jakub Šimko
Board of Trustees Member, KInIT

KInIT Team

Viktor Bachratý
Research Consultant
Jozef Barut
Research Intern
Róbert Belanec
PhD Student
Eva Beláková
Office Manager
Ivana Beňová
PhD Student
Jakub Betinský
Ethics Specialist
Jana Bieliková
Grant Office Lead
Maria Bielikova
Lead and Researcher
Adrián Bindas
Research Engineer
Miroslav Blšták
Research Engineer
Anna Bou Ezzeddine
AI Specialist
Alexander Brecko
Research Engineer
Samuel Budai
Research Intern
Kamil Burda
Ján Cipár
Research & HR Intern
Ján Čegiň
PhD Student
Matej Čief
PhD Student
Peter Dedinský
Chief Operations Officer
Santiago de Leon
PhD Student MSCA Doctoral Network
Ján Dráb
Senior Project Manager
Ema Gálová
Partnership Intern
Adrián Gavorník
Ethics Specialist
Andrea Gazdaricová
Marketing Intern
Michal Gladiš
Ethics Consultant
Patrik Goldschmidt
PhD Student
Michal Gregor
Gabriela Grmanová
Marek Havrila
Research Engineer
Katarína Házyová
Project Administrator
Zuna Hochelová
Marketing Intern
Filip Hossner
Research Engineer
Andrea Hrčková
Martin Hyben
AI Specialist
Daniela Chudá
Zuzana Jačaninová
Marketing Intern
Ján Jakubčík
Research Engineer
Tomas Javurek
Research Engineer
Petra Kasášová
Community Project Manager
Matej Kloska
Research Engineer
Natália Kňažeková
Research Intern
Lucia Kobzová
Research Intern
Mária Kolesárová
Ethics Specialist
Michal Kompan
Lead and Researcher
Jakub Kopál
Research Engineer
Jaroslav Kopčan
Research Engineer
Lívia Kostová
Research Intern
Lucia Kotuľáková
Partnerships Manager
Timotej Králik
Research Engineer
Ľuboš Kriš
Research Intern
Sebastian Kula
Peter Lacko
AI Specialist
Šimon Liška
Research Engineer
Diana Lokere
Chief People & Culture Officer
Marek Lóderer
AI Specialist
Mária Lucká
Dominik Macko
Jozef Magdolen
Research Engineer
Dmytro Maksymchuk
Research Intern
Katarína Marcinčinová
Ethics Specialist
Tomáš Matejov
Research Intern
Matúš Mesarčík
Ethics and Law Specialist
Philipp Miotti
Research Engineer
Eduard Mittaš
Research Engineer
Martin Mocko
PhD Student
Róbert Móro
Matej Mosnár
Research Intern
Tomáš Nagy
Research Intern
Ivan Novgorodtsev
Research Engineer
Martin Olejník
Research Engineer
Marianna Palková
Communications Specialist
Peter Pavlík
PhD Student
Branislav Pecher
PhD Student
Ivona Podolanová Klementová
Executive Assistant to CEO
Juraj Podroužek
Lead and Researcher
Petra Polačeková
HR&Marketing Intern
Wanda Pribylincová
Senior Marketing Specialist
Andrej Ridzik
Research Engineer
Viera Rozinajová
Lead and Researcher
Peter Sakalík
Research Engineer
Tomáš Sako
Research Engineer
Michal Sandanus
Research Engineer
Želmíra Schmidtová
Talent Acquisition Specialist
David Seruga
Research Intern
Natália Slosiarová
Ethics and Law Specialist
Michal Spiegel
Research Intern
Ivan Srba
Niranjanaa Udaya Kumar Sumitra
Research Engineer
Jakub Šimko
Lead and Researcher
Marián Šimko
Lead and Researcher
Adam Škurla
Research Intern
Paulína Števíková
Project Administrator
Andrej Šutý
Research Engineer
Martin Tamajka
Research Engineer
Miriama Tamajková
Marketing Specialist
Matúš Tibenský
AI Specialist
Matúš Tuna
Research Engineer
Marcel Veselý
Research Engineer
Kristína Volnerová
HR Generalist
Ivan Vykopal
PhD Student
Martin Výboh
Research Engineer
Eva Zelizňaková
Senior Project Manager
Peter Zigo
Research Engineer
Aneta Žugecová
Research Intern

Who was Kempelen?

Wolfgang von Kempelen (1743 – 1804) was born in Bratislava. He was an important polyhistor, polyglot, inventor, artist, playwright but also an illusionist. Today we would say that he was a great innovator. Some of his best-known inventions can be described as a breakthrough in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence: a chess machine and a speaking machine. He is also referred to as Bratislava’s Da Vinci.

We want to contribute to a better future

By supporting talented students, BrAIn aims to advance the knowledge transfer in the field of computer science and intelligent technologies with connections to the social sciences and humanities.
We believe that multidisciplinarity is a necessary part of ensuring that AI is developed in a manner that benefits everyone.

Learn more about BrAIn

Annual Reports

Annual report 2023
Annual report 2022
Annual report 2021


Gender Equality Plan 2021-2025
KInIT Code of Ethics