Juraj Podroužek

Research areas: ICT ethics, AI ethics, Data ethics, Responsible AI

Position: Lead and Researcher

Juraj achieved a PhD in philosophy at Comenius University in Bratislava and conducted research in semantics and analytic philosophy at the Slovak Academy of Sciences. In recent years, he has focused on the ethics of ICT, AI ethics and data ethics. He co-founded the E-tika group investigating the ethical and societal impact of ICT, which has launched its own podcast. He is also a member of the Slovak Committee on the Ethics and Regulation of AI (CERAI). In his business career, Juraj was an analyst and manager at various IT and technology companies. In the distant past, Juraj also designed computer games and played in a rock band. He likes and writes poetry.

Selected achievements

Selected activities

Teaching course Trustworthy AI in practice 

Teaching course MiniTechMBA program – Ethics and regulation of AI