What we do
Strategic research areas of KInIT are machine learning, deep neural networks, intelligent data analysis, and trustworthy AI with applications in following domains:
Featured Publications

ESET has long supported education, science and research, because we consider these elements as crucial for the development of our society. This is why we supported the establishment of an independent Slovak institute with the goal of performing world-class research in our domain. We also seek to reverse the brain drain, as our company also has to deal with the lack of experts in Slovakia.
Richard Marko
We consider KInIT to be a unique element of the ecosystem. We believe that the combination of excellent scientists with innovative companies has the potential to create world-class research and development, which will motivate talented students and teachers to stay in Slovakia and increase the competitiveness of the Slovak economy internationally.
Michal Liday
CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Tatra banka

I am convinced that KInIT will provide a model for Slovakia that will show why it is worth focussing on excellence, innovation and quality, rather than continuing with mediocrity and copying. This goal can only be achieved through an open approach and cooperation – whether with international scientists, or with top European companies.
Ján Lunter
Founder, Innovatrics
We have been fighting misinformation for years and now technology has enabled it to spread far more extensively. Monitoring and minimizing misinformation will reduce its negative consequences on society. We need to cultivate both the information space and public debate, and this is why we want to support research able to contribute to this.
Michaela Benedigová
Managing Director & Partner, Seesame
Supporting science, research and intensive cooperation with academia has been part of our business for 30 years. We expect that the first international institute for research into intelligent technologies in Slovakia will help accelerate the needed shift in the Slovak economy towards the creation and application of innovative technologies. We are proud to be involved in the establishment and growth of this institution. We believe that it will be an inspiration and an impetus for further cooperation between science and the private sector in Slovakia.
Peter Morávek
CEO, Softec
Artificial intelligence is likely to become the technology with the biggest impact on our everyday lives in the 21st century, so I believe it is vitally important that Slovakia be home to an institute that brings together our top talent in this area, with the aim of advancing development and finding applications for this new technology in Slovakia. Mária and her KInIT team are without doubt Slovakia’s best chance for seeing such an institute come to fruition.
Andrej Kiska ml.
Partner, Credo Ventures
KInIT is a private non-profit research institute that connects science and industry. Europe and Slovakia need to compete for talent globally. I believe KInIT represents a “breath of fresh air” and a modern approach to attracting outstanding researchers and partners from around the world, and building a sustainable research and innovation hub.
Andrej Danko
Senior Director, ServiceNowTools
KInIT basic research and European projects proposals preparation in 2021 and 2022 have been partially funded from the state budget by