To achieve exceptional results, you need a combination of skilled personnel and an environment which allows you to surprise yourself and others every day. We are working hard to become a role model for excellence through efficient operations. We create problem-free processes, devise strategies, build partnerships, seek out project opportunities and ensure our colleagues and culture develop, so we can expect the unexpected from our researchers.
KInIT Culture
We work systematically, but not in rigid hierarchies
We are prepared to discuss and listen to all ideas. The best point of view on a matter can come from anyone.
We create an atmosphere of trust
In which everyone can learn from their mistakes and perform at their best.
We communicate openly, both internally and with the public
We make the results of our research available to the broad learned public and make our knowledge accessible to laypeople.
We look at the context of our research
We are intentional about what we work on and who we work with. We always look at the specific benefits our research brings and consider the risks and consequences of new knowledge.
We are transparent in our science, management and finance
We are completely transparent with our donors and partners

Peter Dedinský

Diana Lokere

Eva Beláková

Katarína Házyová

Petra Kasášová

Lucia Kotuľáková

Marianna Palková

Ivona Podolanová Klementová

Wanda Pribylincová

Želmíra Schmidtová

Paulína Števíková

Miriama Tamajková

Kristína Volnerová

Eva Zelizňaková

Ján Cipár

Ema Gálová

Andrea Gazdaricová

Zuna Hochelová

Zuzana Jačaninová