CEDMO 2.0: Central European Digital Media Observatory

In the wake of escalating disinformation challenges across Central Europe, CEDMO 2.0 emerges as a strategic initiative of government, media, industry and NGO entities. Building upon the success of its predecessor, the Central European Digital Media Observatory (CEDMO), the newly approved CEDMO 2.0 project signifies a renewed commitment to combating information disorders in Czechia, Poland, and Slovakia.

CEDMO 2.0 aims to use the accumulated knowledge and experience of its predecessor to enhance fact-checking capabilities, strengthen detection and analysis of disinformation, and foster greater public awareness through targeted media literacy campaigns. By closely monitoring national and EU policies, the project seeks to cultivate an information landscape resilient to the manipulative tactics of malicious actors.

Key to the success of CEDMO 2.0 is its robust consortium of thirteen expert organizations involving new partners to strengthen the hub’s capacity and extend its multidisciplinary reach. This diverse team of technical and humanities scientists, journalists and fact-checkers is led by consortium leader Charles University (CZE).

Central to CEDMO’s 2.0 aim is the integration of advanced AI-based technologies helping to counteract the evolving tactics of digital misinformation. Through the strategic utilization of open-source intelligence (OSINT), forensic and automated journalism, machine learning, natural language processing and pattern recognition in visual propaganda detection, researchers from KInIT (SVK) together with colleagues from Czech Technical University (CZE) aim to develop innovative approaches to support fact-checking and OSINT, to enhance media literacy activities as well as to assess adherence of social networks to the EU and national regulatory legislation.

Read more about our previous activities in the CEDMO project here.



In CEDMO 2.0, we apply research and innovation design work and build on state-of-the-art scientific knowledge of AI as well as on existing solutions, in particular, on the outcomes in the previous CEDMO project, where multiple tool prototypes have been created and deployed in real-world fact-checking.

Mária Bieliková, CEO

Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies

Project team

Maria Bielikova
Lead and Researcher
Ivan Kačala
Research Engineer 01/2024 – 08/2024
Ivan Srba
Tomáš Sako
Research Engineer
Jakub Šimko
Lead and Researcher
Róbert Móro
Ján Čegiň
PhD Student

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