E-tika podcast – Parenthood in Digital Age
Season 2, Episode 6 – In our podcast, we often talk about digital technologies that bring a number of positive changes, but also many significant risks.
For example, thanks to artificial intelligence systems, we are able to make faster, more accurate and more qualified decisions. On the other hand, by doing so, they can reveal and exploit various human vulnerabilities or weaken our ability to make independent decisions. This is doubly true for vulnerable groups such as children and young people.
In today’s podcast you will find out:
- In which areas of our life digital technologies and artificial intelligence systems help us and our children, but also where we should rather limit their presence,
- What online platforms are doing correctly and where they do not treat young users quite correctly,
- What level of responsibility for the future of our children we are holding and what is the role of the parent in the digital age.
Our guest is Andrea Cox. Andrea is a coach of safe internet for various important institutions such as the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic, Iuventa – Slovak Youth Institute or Google Slovakia. She leads the civic association Digital Intelligence – digiQ, which aims to pinpoint the message that with a conscious and proactive approach to their use, technology and the Internet can be good for people. She is a trained pedagogue, but has spent her career between the state administration and the third sector building administrative structures and powerful civil society. Andrea is the mother of a 14-year-old daughter.
The podcast is in Slovak.
You can read the English summary of the episode here.
About E-tika podcast
Digital and information technologies improve and simplify our lives. But they also raise new societal issues and challenges. We should discriminate between the solutions that are technically possible and that are morally good. Sometimes we release technology and only then we discover its effects on people and society. But that may be too late. In the E-tika podcast, we discuss with our guests the social and ethical dimensions of digital technologies.
The E-tika podcast is produced by the multimedia center for contemporary culture, Nástupište 1-12, in cooperation with the Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies. The project was supported by public funds by the “Fond na podporu umenia” fund.
Previous episodes
This season
- Episode 1: Living in disinformation bubbles
- Episode 2: How to deal with biased AI
- Episode 3: Transhumanism
- Episode 4: How to regulate digital technologies
- Episode 5: Of data and men
Previous season
If you are interested in the topic, you can also listen to episodes of the previous season.