Andrea Hrčková
Research areas: human-centered AI, social impacts of AI, disinformation and manipulation in online environment
Position: Researcher
Andrea holds a PhD in Library and Information Science from Comenius University in Bratislava. Her rather “exotic” academic background is useful in human-centered and data-driven aspects of artificial intelligence design. During her time at KInIT, Andrea developed a passion for researching user needs and customizing AI tools to meet them. She believes that AI can streamline and support time-consuming or repetitive tasks for a wide range of users, from fact-checkers to doctoral students in AI.
Andrea’s research interests also include exploring qualitative aspects of datasets for AI models. She has contributed to expert dataset preparation, including datasets on gender stereotypes and disinformation, and has participated in various experiments leveraging these datasets. Andrea is quite meticulous with terminology, ensuring clarity and fostering the interdisciplinary approach that AI research demands.
Research areas: human-centered AI, social impacts of AI, disinformation and manipulation in online environment
Selected achievments
Co-authored the award-winning paper on social media auditing (Best Paper Award at RecSys’21)
Professional Service
Aequitas (ECAI workshop, PC member), Information Interactions, Knihovnícky barcamp (organization)
Journals: Online Information Review, Telematics and Informatics
Modeling of the Information Environment of Digital Scholarship
Human Information Behavior in the Digital Space
Automated Recognition of Antisocial Behaviour in Online Communities
Misinformation Detection in Healthcare Domain
Selected Publications
Women Are Beautiful, Men Are Leaders: Gender Stereotypes in Machine Translation and Language Modeling
Selected Student Supervising
- Kajanová Denisa – Application of linked open data in the library environment. Defended 2019
- Macko Milan – Emotions and mood in music information retrieval. Defended 2019
- Garaj Andrej – Gamification of libraries. Defended 2017
- Kozová Nikola – Information as call to action in persuasive design. Defended 2016
- Matheidesová Martina – Information manipulation in social media. Defended 2015
- Mirga Tomáš – Filter bubbles theory. Defended 2018
- Konfráterová Dominika – Microdata in Schema vocabulary as one of the search engine optimization factors. Defended 2017
- Dubová Mária – Utilizing eyetracking for academic websites testing. Defended 2016
- Vrábelová Barbora – User identity and role in social media. Defended 2014