The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) is a tool for harmonizing human resource management with the forty principles of the European Charter for Researchers, representing a set of general principles and conditions defining the roles, responsibilities and requirements of researchers, employers and research funding organizations and the Code of Conduct for Research Recruitment, which is a set of general principles and conditions that employers should adhere to in an open, transparent and merit-based recruitment of researchers.

European Charter for Researchers: a set of general principles and conditions that define the roles, responsibilities and requirements of researchers, employers and research funding organizations.

Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers: a set of general principles and conditions that employers should adhere to in an open, transparent and merit-based recruitment of researchers.

The Kempelen Institute of Intelligent technologies, fully adheres to the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code for the Recruitment of Researchers and is working on their implementation.

The reason for the implementation of the principles of the Charter and the Code inThe Kempelen Institute of Intelligent technologies, is the effort to improve working conditions and relations between researchers and the Institute so that we support the professional development and achievements of scientific workers and teams, which are the basis for successful research and its contribution to society. As part of professional development, we support all forms of mobility, in accordance with the principles of the Charter.

The freedom of research at the institute has long been based on the Bonn Declaration on Freedom of Scientific Research, to which the Slovak Republic is a signatory.

KInIT finds in the Initial phase of the process:

Source: Euraxess

Process Description

OTM-R Checklist

GAP Analysis

Action Plan



Diana Lokere
Chief People & Culture Officer
Ján Cipár
Research & HR Intern

We are hiring

We are growing and our research teams need new talents.

KInIT combines the excellent competencies of academic researchers and educators with innovative companies, their needs and experience. By involving the private sector, we seek to create a healthy research ecosystem that is connected to existing universities, the Slovak Academy of Sciences and above all to the international community.

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