Viera Rozinajová
Research areas: data analytics, predictive modeling, optimization, anomaly detection, energy domain
Position: Lead and Researcher
Viera is a senior researcher focusing on intelligent data analysis, particularly predictive modeling, cluster analysis, anomaly detection and optimization. She has been active in the artificial intelligence area for a long time. Before her employment at KInIT, she worked as an associate professor at the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (FIIT STU), where she headed up the Big Data Analysis group. She has authored/co-authored more than 70 publications in scientific journals and conferences. She has participated in more than 25 national and international research projects and has led several of them. She regularly reviews submissions to scientific journals (Springer, Elsevier, IEEE) and international conferences.
She worked for 4 years as a research fellow at the University of Stuttgart. From 2011 to 2019, she was a vice-dean of FIIT STU responsible for research, projects and industry co-operation. She was a vice-chairman of the Scientific Board of the Slovak Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence.
She is a member of IFIP TC8 (Information Systems) as a national representative of Slovakia, and a member of ACM and the Slovak Computer Science Society.
Selected activities
- member of IFIP TC8 (Information Systems) as a national representative of Slovakia
Activities in the past:
- research fellow at the University Stuttgart
- vice-dean responsible for research, projects and industrial cooperation at FIIT STU
- vice-chairman of the Scientific Board of the Slovak Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence
- guarantor of the PhD study at FIIT STU
- member of the Scientific Board of FIIT STU
- reviewer of dissertation (9) and habilitation (4) theses
- member of executive committee of Slovak Society for Computer Science
- member of state examination committees at several universities
Professional Service
- Member (or former member) of ACM – Association for Computing Machinery, IFIP – International Federation for Information Processing, Slovak Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research, Slovak Society for Computer Science
- Reviewer for grant agencies: Japan Science and Technology Agency, SASPRO2, APVV, VEGA, KEGA, GAČR
- Reviewer for journals
- Program committee member
- DISA: World Symposium on Digital Intelligence for Systems and Machines
- SAMI: World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics
- DEXA: International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications
- NWESP: International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices
- ADBIS: European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems
- ECIS: European Conference on Information Systems
Selected Projects
Other notable projects
Knowledge-Based Approaches for Intelligent Analysis of Big Data
NEWTON – Networked Labs for Training in Sciences and Technologies for Information and Communication
International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems
International Centre of Excellence for Research of Intelligent and Secure Information-Communication Technologies and Systems – II. Stage
STU as the Leader of Digital Coalition
Selected Publications
She is author/coauthor of more than 70 publications in journals and conference proceedings.
Selected Student Supervising
She supervised more than 80 bachelor, master and PhD theses. Selected student theses:
- Pavlík Peter – Intelligent data analysis. Industrial partner: Softec. Ongoing
- Kloska Matej – Advanced Methods of Anomaly Detection. Defended in 2023
- Lóderer Marek – Application of Biologically Inspired Algorithms in Prediction Based on Ensemble Learning. Defended 2021
- Vrablecová Petra – Predictive Analytics on Data Streams. Defended 2019
- Blšták Miroslav – Automatic Question Generation Based on Sentence Structure Analysis. Defended 2018
- Šelméci Roman – Application of Design Patterns in Service Oriented Architecture. Defended 2018
- Kubica Adrián – Microgrid optimization. Defended 2021
- Halás Michal – Management of energy sharing in micronetworks. Defended 2021
- Kováč Alan – Optimization of microgrid operation using data analytics methods. Defended 2021
- Staškovan Michal – Methods of feature selection in research of oncology diseases. Defended 2019
- Halajová Martina – Relevant feature selection in the research of cancer treatment. Defended 2019
- Pintér Richard – Predictive analysis and its utilization on intelligent house. Defended 2019
- Prekala Martin – Optimization of energy production and consumption. Defended 2018
- Pomffyová Miriama – Intelligent data analysis in power load environment. Defended 2018
- Žalondek Martin – Utilization of data analytics in regulation of consumption and production of electric energy. Defended 2017
- Posch Helmut – Modelling of energy ecosystem. Defended 2017
- Nemec Radoslav – Prediction of power load demand. Defended 2016
- Piliar Andrej – Prediction of energy production. Defended 2016
- Kubinec Eduard – Utilization of business analytics for making enterprise processes more effective. Defended 2016
- Štajer Andrej – Visual analytics of large volume data. Defended 2015
- Martoš Ivan – Software services recommendation considering context. Defended 2015
- Sagan Samuel – Analysis and Visualization of data in Energy Domain. Defended 2020
- Mišenčík Šimon – Analysis and Visualization of data in Energy Domain. Defended 2020
- Džurman Kamil – Tool for comparison of optimization algorithms. Defended 2019
- Halás Michal – Application for drivers of electric cars. Defended 2019
- Kubica Adrián – Application for drivers of electric cars. Defended 2019
- Pavlík Peter – Dynamic Weighted Majority in Ensemble Learning. Defended 2018
- Franko Ján Marián – Effective utilization of energy in local energy network. Defended 2018
- Dolnák Michal – Processing the data from intelligent metering devices. Defended 2017
- Škodáček Martin – Processing the data from intelligent metering devices. Defended 2017
- Staškovan Michal – Application supporting energy savings in household. Defended 2017
- Kačmár Dominik – Application supporting energy savings in household. Defended 2017
- Sudora Simon – Prediction of energy production from renewable sources involving external factors. Defended 2016
- Moravčík Oliver – Prediction of energy production from renewable sources involving external factors. Defended 2016
- Bakoš Peter – Monitoring energy demand in households. Defended 2016
- Pomffyová Miriama – Utilization of power load demand predictions in energy purchase planning. Defended 2016
- Lačný Martin – Enterprise architecture as a means of making processes in organization more effective. Defended 2015
- Gaššo Tomáš – Enterprise architecture as a means of making processes in organization more effective. Defended 2015
- Takács Gabriel – Personal recommendation using machine learning techniques. Defended 2015