Trustworthy AI in dental care beyond Artificial Intelligence Act

Slosiarova, N., Mesarcik, M., Jurkacek, P.1, Podrouzek, J.

1 AID s.r.o., Namestie SNP 3, 811 06, Bratislava, Slovakia

This paper presents our position on the use of AI systems in dental care, associated ethical, social, and legal risks, and tools that can be used to identify them. We suggest that the development of trustworthy AI in dental care requires a multi-faceted approach that takes into account not only technical factors but also ethical principles and human rights considerations together with close engagement of relevant stakeholders. First, we introduce a preliminary list of ethical and societal risks based on a literature review validated by our own experience with ethics-based assessment of a medical image analysis AI system for dental practitioners with a focus on human rights and the alignment of such system with requirements for trustworthy AI. Identified risks are further analyzed through the lens of the proposal for the EU Artificial Intelligence Act and related legislation in the EU. Our analysis shows that several identified risks will not be mitigated by compliance with these laws including broader societal risks.

Cite: Slosiarova, N., Mesarcik, M., Jurkacek, P., Podrouzek, J.: Trustworthy AI in Dental Care Beyond Artificial Intelligence Act. Proc. of the 2nds International Workshop on Imagining the AI Landscape After the AI Act – HHAI 23, Munich, Germany, June 26-27, 2023,, online


Natália Slosiarová
Ethics and Law Specialist
Matúš Mesarčík
Ethics and Law Specialist
Juraj Podroužek
Lead and Researcher