Pavol Návrat
Research areas: software engineering and programming, artificial intelligence, information retrieval, web search and recommendation, nature inspired computing
Position: Researcher 09/2020 - 06/2024
Pavol is a full professor focusing on artificial intelligence and its intersection with knowledge-based software engineering, artificial intelligence, web search and biologically inspired computing. Originally working with knowledge systems, with the advent of the web, he used his experience to create methods for the intelligent web. In recent years, he initiated research on antisocial behaviour in the online environment.
Through systematic work, he has become a domestically and internationally recognized personality. For more than 15 years, he directed the Institute of Informatics and Software Engineering at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
He regularly leads international and domestic research projects, including framework programs. He has been an active steering committee member in several international conferences and a member of the editorial boards of several journals. He has actively participated in the scientific and professional societies (senior member IEEE, senior member ACM, fellow IET) and has held elected functions, chairing the Slovak IET center and the Slovak chapter of ACM.
Selected achievements
- Prize of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for the best research project investigated jointly with academia and industry, awarded to project NAZOU lead by P. Navrat (2009)
- Plaquette of the Slovak University of Technology awarded for exceptional contribution to development of the University (2012)
- ECUK, Engineering Council UK (registered Chartered Engineer, since 1998)
Selected activities
- Author of more than 100 research papers
- More than 40 research papers in scientific journals
- More than 80 research papers in proceedings of scientific conferences
- Serving as a reviewer for scientific journals
- Serving as reviewer for several research grant agencies,
- Serving as consultant for industry
- Member of editorial board of the scientific journal Computing and Informatics and Informatica
- Member of programme or steering committee of more than 40 international conferences
- Editor of proceedings of the conferences
Professional Service
- Member (or former member) of professional societies
- IEEE and its Computer Society (Senior member),
- ACM – Association for Computing Machinery (Senior member),
- Slovakia Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (member, chair since 2009 to 2018),
- Slovak Society for Computer Science (founding member),
- IET- Institution of Engineering and Technology (Fellow member),
- Reviewer for ACM Computing Reviews
- Steering committee member of international conferences
- ADBIS- European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (Springer LNCS)
- JCKBSE – Joint Conference on Knowledge Based Software Engineering (IOS, Springer)
- DaZ- Annual Conference on Data and Knowledge
- IT SPY – Czech ACM Chapter & Slovakia ACM Chapter Student Project of the Year Competition
- Program committee member:
- numerous international scientific conferences
- Initiatives of international cooperation
- Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs) http://www.mirlabs.org/mirlabs.php
- Web Intelligence Consortium http://www.wi-consortium.org/
- Higher Education
- Accreditation Commission of Slovakia (Vice-President, 1999-2002, President, 2002-2008)
- Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (representative of Slovakia 2002-2008, President 2004-2008)
- Council of Europe, Higher Education and Research Committee (expert member, 2000-2006)
Selected Projects
Intelligent Analysis of Big Data by Semantic-Oriented and Bio-Inspired Methods in a Parallel Environment
Cognitive Traveling in Digital Space of the Web and Digital Libraries Supported by Personalized Services and Social Networks
Adaptive Social Web and Its Services for Information Accessing and Retrieval
Models of Software Systems in the Semantic Web Environment
Tools for Acquisition, Organizing and Maintaining of Knowledge in the Environment of Heterogenous Information Sources NAZOU
Selected Publications
Addressing False Information and Abusive Language in Digital Space Using Intelligent Approaches
Selected Student Supervising
- Štefan Sabo: Social Insect Inspired Algorithm to Detect and Track Topics in Dynamic Documents. Defended 2016.
- Tomáš Kuzár: Clustering on Social Web. Defended 2013.
- Peter Kajsa: Semantics and Model Driven Design Patterns Instantiation. Defended 2013.
- Anna Bou Ezzeddine: Web information retrieval inspired by social insect behaviour. Defended 2011.
- Ľubomír Majtás: Contribution to the Creation and Recognition of the Design Patterns Instances. Defended 2011.
- Miroslav Líška: Extending and Utilizing the Software and Systems Process Engineering Metamodel with Ontology. Defended 2010.
- Jaroslav Jakubík: Extension for Design Pattern Identification Using Similarity Scoring Algorithm. Defended 2009.
- Marian Lekavý: Planning and Rescheduling. Defended 2009.
- Joachim Svitek – Mapping opinions on web based on user behavior. Defended 2019.
- Rania Daabousová – Consistency between software requirements and source code, Defended 2018.
- Miroslav Šafárik – Recommendation Systems in Software Engineering. Defended 2016.
- Jozef Marcin – Refining interest of information seekers on the Web by implicit feedback. Defended 2015.
- Lukáš Ľoch – Responder software solution employing search engine. Defended 2014.
- Michal Žilinčík – Social networks exploratory search focused on dynamical criteria and relationships of metadata to content. Defended 2013.
- Aurel Paulovič – Social behaviour of honey bees as inspiration for data mining. Defended 2011.
- Ladislav Martinský – Personalized web search query suggestion. Defended 2010.
- Tomáš Jelínek – Searching for new ways of application of the bee hive model. Defended 2009.
- Lucia Jastzrembská – Model of search for information inspired by social insect. Defended 2009.
- Tomáš Taraba – Context search. Defended 2008.
- Miroslav Vnuk – Decompression of executable files. Defended 2006.
- Martin Kováčik – Recommending web pages with interesting information using honey-bees. Defended 2007.
- Yevhen Ustinichenko – Antisocial behavior in digital space. Defended 2019.
- Jaroslav Sumbal – Oregano – social networking service supporting cultural free time activities. Defended 2017.
- Robert Cuprík – Motif Finding in DNA Sequences. Defended 2017.
- Marko Adamko – Recommendation personified by statements on social network. Defended 2015.
- Peter Gašpar – Recommendation using personal expressions. Defended 2014.
- Jaroslav Michalco – Spread of Information in Social Networks. Defended 2012.
- Lukáš Šimon – Design patterns catalog. Defended 2006.
- Miroslav Vnuk – Refactoring decayed code. Defended 2004.