Michal Kompan
Research areas: personalised recommendations, machine learning, artificial intelligence, information retrieval
Position: Lead and Researcher
Michal focuses on recommender systems, machine learning, user modeling, and information retrieval. His research is focused on predictive modeling and customer behavior (e.g., churn prediction, next-item recommendation), as well as content-based adaptive models. He specifically addresses recommender system in e-commerce, for instance the complementary products recommendations.
As a teacher, he has supervised more than 50 Bachelor’s and Master’s theses. To support the community, he has served as a reviewer or/and program committee member at several international conferences, such as RecSys, SIGIR, WWW, ADBIS, Hypertext, UMAP and SMAP. He is a reviewer for several international journals in Springer, IEEE, ACM, Taylor&Francis and Inderscience.
He is also a member of IEEE and senior member ACM and the Slovak informatics society. He has participated in many research projects in co-operation with industry such as Symbiosy by HB Reavis, Exponea, ZlavaDna, SME, Piano media and Orange SK.
Selected achievements
Member of the excellence team PeWe of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, lead prof. Mária Bieliková
Professional Service
- Program or organizing committee member:
- ACM Recommender Systems
- User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalization
- Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation & Personalization
- Advances in Databases and Information Systems
- SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
- TheWebConf
- Reviewer for:
- Neural Computing and Applications
- Journal of Information Processing and Management
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems
- International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning
- International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
- Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce
- IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies
- Member of:
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Association for Computing Machinery (senior member)
- Slovak Society for Computer Science
Selected Projects
Modeling, Prediction and Evaluation of User Behavior Based on the Web Interaction for Adaptation and Personalization
Selected Publications
An Audit of Misinformation Filter Bubbles on YouTube: Bubble Bursting and Recent Behavior Changes
Towards Continuous Automatic Audits of Social Media Adaptive Behavior and its Role in Misinformation Spreading
Selected Student Supervising
- Čief Matej – Recommender and adaptive web-based systems. External mentor: Branislav Kveton. Ongoing
- Rastislav Papšo – Complementary product recommendations in e-commerce. Industry collaboration: Luigi’s Box. Ongoing
- Slávka Ivaničová. Sequence based personalized recommendations. Defended 2022.
- Ondrej Unger – User behavior pattern recognition. Defended 2020.
- Markovičová Viktória – User style modeling with temporal dynamics. Defended 2020.
- Pekarčík Daniel – Personalized recommendation considering sequence of interactions. Defended 2020.
- Džurman Kamil – Preference-based user model for e-commerce. Defended 2020.
- Balážová Michaela – Identification of Fake News on the Web. Defended 2019.
- Blanárik Patrik – Meta-recommender: Adaptive selection of recommender approach. Defended 2019.
- Kalafut Matúš – Graph-based recommender. Defended 2019.
- Valčičák Miroslav – Product popularity prediction in e-commerce. Defended 2019.
- Tibenský Peter – Products recommendation. Defended 2018.
- Roštár Marek – Image enhanced personalised recommendation. Defended 2017.
- Berger Patrik – Customer churn prediction in e-commerce. Defended 2017.
- Hunka Mário – Scalable personalised recommendation. Defended 2017.
- Lieskovský Adam – Scalable personalised recommendation. Defended 2015.
- Svrček Martin – Visualization of generated recommendations. Defended 2015.
- Kaššák Ondrej – Group recommendation for TV. Defended 2013.
- Lačný Jozef – Personalised recommendation in e-learning. Defended 2012.
- Unger Ondrej – Personalised recommendation on the Web. Defended 2019.
- Tomaštík Nikolas – Personalised recommendation on the Web. Defended 2019.
- Lam Tuan Dung – Customer behavior prediction in e-commerce. Defended 2018.
- Balážová Michaela – Customer behavior prediction in e-commerce. Defended 2018.
- Pitoňák Ondrej – Advanced search and visualization. Defended 2017.
- Bachárová Zuzana – Customer behavior prediction. Defended 2017.
- Kaššák Ondrej – Named entity recognition for Slovak. Defended 2012.