CEDMO International Conference: Europe tackles information chaos

The aim of CEDMO is to implement an unprecedented, but highly experienced hub against disinformation for the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. CEDMO’s activities include production of fact-checks, media literacy campaigning and most crucially for KInIT: research and development of AI-powered fact-checking support tools.

As part of the media literacy campaign, CEDMO is organizing a conference with the purpose to tackle the growing institutional distrust across Europe. We also aim to gather and build a multidisciplinary community focused on fighting information disorders and enable discussion between the key stakeholders.

Join us for the CEDMO International Conference which will take place on September 22-23, 2022 in Prague and online. All in-person slots are already taken – but you can still attend and participate online!

The problem of information disorders will be addressed in presentations and discussions focused on a wide range of topics, including:

  • the impact and regulation of disinformation
  • strengthening democracy in the context of declining trust and increasing societal fragmentation
  • the current role of media and the Russian invasion of Ukraine
  • foreign interference
  • the relation between technology and disinformation
  • efforts to boost media and information literacy

Learn more about the CEDMO International Conference.

Online registration was closed on September 16th.