Štefan Grivalský

Research areas: artificial intelligence, deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing

Position: Researcher    11/2020-08/2021

Štefan is a research assistant. His research focuses on artificial intelligence, deep learning, computer vision and natural language processing, with applications in medical imaging analysis. Specifically, he concentrates on classifying and segmenting brain tumors, predicting Alzheimer’s disease and brain atrophy in longitudinal studies, and generating reports from chest X-Rays.

In NLP he has experience with dependency parsing, language detection, and diacritic restoration, while particularly focusing on neural models and deep learning. His current priority is language correction, sentiment analysis and language modeling, but he is open to any new challenges within deep learning and NLP.

Selected Student Supervising


  • Šalko Matej – Chest radiograph processing using deep learning. Ongoing


  • Žitňák Andrej – Use of artificial neural networks in medical image processing. Ongoing