Marián Šimko
Research areas: natural language processing, information extraction, social web, artificial intelligence, neural networks
Position: Lead and Researcher
Marián focuses on intelligent technologies. His research interests cover natural language processing, information extraction, low-resource language processing and interpretability of neural models. He is a former vice-dean for Master’s study and alumni co-operation at the Slovak University of Technology.
He has co-led several projects, among them one awarded by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic for exceptional impact on education. He has participated as an investigator in more than 15 national and international research projects, focusing on antisocial behavior recognition, personalization, adaptive web-based systems, domain modelling, information extraction and technology-enhanced learning.
His industry projects have focused on sentiment analysis and natural language processing. He has co-authored more than 40 research publications with international recognition, serves as a reviewer for international journals, and is a program committee member of several conferences and workshops.
Selected achievements
Member of the excellence team PeWe of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, lead prof. Mária Bieliková
Rector’s award for PhD study
The Award of Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic for exceptional impact on education (project ALEF)
Professional Service
Conferences and workshops: SMAP, PRASAE
Reviewer for journals: NRHM, C&I, IEEE TLT, AH
Professional societies: ACM, ACL
Selected Projects
Other notable projects
Automated Recognition of Antisocial Behaviour in Online Communities
Human Information Behavior in the Digital Space
Selected Publications
Selected Student Supervising
- Beňová Ivana – Natural language processing. External mentor: Jana Kosecka. Ongoing
- Pecár Samuel – Automatic Opinion Summarization from Customer Reviews. 2022.
- Pikuliak Matúš – Cross-Lingual Learning, 2021. — Junior Researcher at KInIT.
- Pisarčík Andrej – Hate Speech Detection on the Web, 2020.
- Maňak Michal – Manipulation Detection on the Web, 2020.
- Ščasný Andrej – Concept map-based navigation in educational web-based systems, 2020.
- Gábrš Tomáš – Hate Speech Detection in Textual Content on Social Web, 2019.
- Mičo Jakub – Named entity recognition for sentiment analysis, 2019.
- Krupa Patrik – Processing negations for sentiment analysis in social network, 2019.
- Vozár Filip – Sentiment analysis from text about given object, 2018.
- Krchňavý Rastislav – Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis, 2018.
- Štrbák Martin – Analysis of Reading Difficulty in Web Environment, 2017.
- Pecár Samuel – Automatic taxonomy extraction, 2017. With international publication.
- Bednárik Filip – Information extraction from text, 2016.
- Filipčík Richard – Automatic Detection and Attribution of Quotations, 2016.
- Kloska Matej – Support for Domain Model Authoring, 2016. With international publication.
- Loebl Jaroslav – Automatic text processing – syntactic analysis of a sentence, 2016. With international publication.
- Pikuliak Matúš – Ontology learning from the Web, 2016. With international publication. — Junior Researcher at KInIT.
- Hlaváč Patrik – Analysing user gaze on the Web, 2015. With international publication.
- Plank Martin – Extracting of Collocations on the Web, 2014.
- Vrablecová Petra – Relationship Discovery from Educational Content, 2013. With international publication. — Junior Researcher at KInIT.
- Horváth Róbert – Augmenting the Web for Facilitating Learning, 2013. With international publication.
- Uherčík Tomáš – Acquiring Metadata about Content and Relations on the Web, 2012. With international publication.
- Lučanský Milan – Metadata Search and Acquisition from Web Sites, 2012. With international publication.
- Kanta Marcel – Microblog user modelling, 2012. With international publication.
- Korenek Peter – Identifying personal characteristics using microblog, 2012. With international publication.
- Virik Martin – Automated recognition of writing style in blogs, 2011. With international publication.
- Majer Tomáš – Leveraging Microblogs for Resource Ranking, 2011. With international publication.
- Lačný Lukáš – Word Board Game Simulator, 2020.
- Štuller Adam – Object Detection in Sentiment Analysis, 2020.
- Drgoňa Marek – Aspect detection for sentiment analysis, 2019.
- Ščasný Andrej – Software engineering in questions and answers e-book, 2018.
- Hradňanský Martin – Software engineering in questions and answers e-book, 2018. With award.
- Krchňavý Rastislav – Sentiment Analysis in Slovak Text, 2016. With international publication.
- Čičkán Ondrej – Text-Checking for Slovak Language, 2016.
- Košút Matúš – Extracting Keywords from Movie Subtitles, 2015. With international publication.
- Gallay Ladislav – Utilizing Vector Models for Processing Text on the Web, 2015. With international publication.
- Svrček Martin – Collaborative Learning Content Enrichment, 2014. With international publication.
- Loebl Jaroslav – Word Sense Disambiguation, 2014;
- Harinek Jozef – Extracting keywords from educational content, 2013. With international publication.
- Lučanský Milan – Web site content metadata acquisition using tags, 2010. With international publication.