Andrea Horváthová and Jakub Šimko for How did Oliver get trapped in a disinformation bubble?

Social media algorithms are complex mechanisms that collect and process data about users to show them content that aligns with their preferences. However, this can lead to users being trapped in filter bubbles, exposed only to a limited type of content. The project Oliver v Bubline aims to communicate the importance of research on the technological causes of disinformation to a broader audience.

Read the interview for, where the project creators Andrea Horváthová and Jakub Šimko discuss the following topics: 

  • Does the story of Oliver draw from specific experiences?
  • Can anyone fall into the vicious cycle of disinformation, regardless of their education, social status, or personality?
  • Is it possible to defend against recommendation algorithms that are spreading disinformation? 
  • Do large online platforms distort the content that is created today?

You can read the full article here.