Daniela Chudá
Research areas: information security, behavioral biometry, identification and authentification, privacy, machine learning
Position: Researcher
Daniela focuses on information security, privacy, behavioral biometrics in the context of user authentication, similarity of texts and detection of misinformation. She concentrates on advanced methods of user modeling and feature engineering.
She headed up the PoWeR research group at FIIT STU, where machine learning techniques have been utilized, and has authored or co-authored more than 50 publications in scientific journals and conferences. She has participated as an investigator in more than 15 national and international research projects, focusing on e-learning, user modeling, misinformation and plagiarism detection in texts and programming code detection. She reviews submissions for renowned international conferences and scientific journals.
She was a vice-dean for Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD study and mobility at FIIT STU between 2011 and 2019. She is a member of ACM, a vice chair of ACM Slovakia and a member of the executive committee of the Slovak Society for Computer Science.
Selected activities
- Member of ACM,
- Vice chair of ACM Slovakia,
- Member of executive committee of Slovak Society for Computer Science,
Activities in the past:
- Vice-dean responsible for study at FIIT STU
- Guarantor of the PhD study at FIIT STU
- Guarantor of the Bc study programme Information Security at FIIT STU
- Member of the Scientific Board of FIIT STU
- Reviewer of dissertation theses
Professional Service
Journals: JCAL, COMSIS, Computer Journal, IJHCITP, AHCI, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Computers, JICMS
Projects: Grant agencies: VEGA, KEGA
Member of PC: CompSysTech, E-learning, ITAT, Znalosti,
Professional organizations:
Member of ACM, Slovak Research Centre for Artficial Intelligence Research, Slovak Society for Computer Science
Selected Projects
FETCH: Future Education and Training in Computing: How to Support Learning at Anytime Anywhere
Misinformation Detection in Healthcare Domain
Automated Recognition of Antisocial Behaviour in Online Communities
Human Information Behavior in the Digital Space
Cognitive Traveling in Digital Space of the Web and Digital Libraries Supported by Personalized Services and Social Networks
Acquiring, Processing and Visualization of Textual Information Based on Analysis of Similarity Relations
Selected Publications
Selected Student Supervising
She supervised more than 100 bachelor, master and PhD theses.
Selected student theses:
- Goldschmidt Patrik – Machine learning in security. Ongoing
- Mocko Martin – Machine learning in security. Industrial partner: ESET. Ongoing
- Burda Kamil – Behavioral biometrics in the context of user authentication on mobile devices. Defended 2022.
- Krátky Peter – Biometric User Model for Recognition on the Web. Defended 2016
- Bernad Marek – Electronic Identity. Defended 2019
- Gulis Ivan – Similarity detection of game-playing software. Defended 2018
- Michalko Pavel – Detecting Text Similarity on the Web. Defended 2013
- Maršalek Maroš – Source code authorship detection using user modelling. Defended 2013
- Krajník Peter – The combined usermodel for user identification. Defended 2012
- Chlpek Ján – Similarity of Slovak Texts. Defended 2012
- Kumor Andrej – Use of morphology for slovak text similarity determination. Defended 2012
- Uhlík Martin – Similarity of the programming codes. Defended 2011
- Majerčík Maroš – User model for identification. Defended 2009
- Kováčová Bianka – Similarity and the recognition of the programming code. Defended 2009
- Ďurfina Michal – Multifactor authentication. Defended 2008
- Janík Lukáš – User Authentication System on Android Devices. Defended 2019
- Sedlář Jakub – Simulator of model of formal computing machines for Android. Defended 2018
- Gulis Martin – Simulator of model of formal computing machines for Android. Defended 2017
- Hagara Lukáš – The influence of biometric characteristics on user experience modeling. Defended 2016
- Trizna Jakub – Simulator of model of formal computing machines for Android. Defended 2015
- Krajník Peter – The impact of biometric characteristics to model for user identification. Defended 2010
- Chlpek Ján – The influence of readability index for determining the similarity in texts. Defended 2010
- Kumor Andrej – The influence of readability index for determining the similarity in texts. Defended 2010
- Rodina Dušan – Simulator of model of formal computing machines, Turing machine and RAM. Defended 2008