AI4Europe + DisAI Workshop: Reproducibility and Replicability in AI

We cordially invite you to a hybrid workshop focused on the discussion of reproducibility and replicability issues within the field of AI. Additionally, we extend an invitation to participate in a challenge session, where the replication studies of both PhD and Master’s students will be presented.


  • 22. April 2024
  • 10:00 – 16:30


  • 10:00-10:15 Welcome
  • 10:15-11:15 Rafael Tolosana Calasanz & Andrea Hrčková: Reproducibility in AI (AI4Europe)
  • 11:15-12:15 Lunch
  • 12:15-13:45 Replication Studies I – doctoral students (DisAI)
  • 13:45-14:15 Coffee Break
  • 14:15-16:15 Replication Studies II – master’s students (DisAI)
  • 16:15-16:30 Goodbye

How to attend?

Join us online via Teams under this link.


In the AI4Europe workshop, Rafael Tolosana Calasanz and Andrea Hrčková delve into the impact of reproducibility in AI research. Andrea will identify and address key challenges encountered by PhD students during replication and reproducibility studies, drawing from her own research findings.

Following Andrea’s presentation, Rafael will introduce essential reproducibility tools within the AI on Demand (AIoD) architecture, such as RAIL, REANA, and the catalog. He will further explore actionable strategies for fostering reproducibility within the AI community through the AIoD reproducibility process. The aim of this talk is to equip researchers with practical insights and tools to enhance reproducibility in their work, thereby advancing scientific integrity and progress in the field of AI.

Additionally, the subsequent DisAI session will feature presentations on replication studies conducted by doctoral and master’s students. These presentations will offer valuable insights into the diverse approaches and methodologies employed at this academic level, further enriching the discussion on reproducibility in AI research. The challenge organizers anticipate the participation of the international mentors of these students as well.

Short bio of the invited speaker:

Rafael Tolosana Calasanz is a distinguished researcher with a profound expertise in Reproducibility in AI, Resource Management, and Distributed Computing. He currently holds the position of Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department at the University of Zaragoza, Spain. Through his AI4Europe Reproducibility Initiative, Rafael actively shapes the discourse on reproducibility in AI at scientific conferences, inspiring fellow researchers to embrace rigorous methodologies.

Rafael’s portfolio of publications on IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library, and Google Scholar.